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M.V. Shapovalov
FSBEI HPE “Bryansk State University named after Academician Ivan Georgiyevich Petrovsky”, Bryansk
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Language: Russian
Shapovalov M.V. (2016) ON THE QUESTION OF TEACHING TYPICALLY FORMED ENGLISH COMPOSITE TERMS. Current issues of linguistics and didactics: conceptions and perspectives: The Proceedings of the 6-th International Scientific and Practical Conference, April 30 – May 15, 2016, Volgograd, Russia, pp. 176-181.
Pages: 176-181
Published: 16.09.2016
Abstract: The article reviews typical ways of professional term formation. The study of distributing terms by means of formation is performed using authentic texts on microelectronics. The article concludes about the necessity of paying attention to other ways besides wide-spread affixation in teaching LSP.
Key words: LSP, Language for Specific Purposes, term, terminology, professional terminology, composite term, teaching terminology
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