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А.V. Goncharova, T.А. Kazarova
FSBEI HPI «Russian Academy of National Economy and State Service
At the President of the Russian Federation», Moscow
Full Article: PDF Open Access
Language: Russian
Goncharova А.V. , Kazarova T.А. (2016) ON COMPARATIVE STUDIES OF LANGUAGES. Current issues of linguistics and didactics: conceptions and perspectives: The Proceedings of the 6-th International Scientific and Practical Conference, April 30 – May 15, 2016, Volgograd, Russia, pp. 105-110.
Pages: 105-110
Published: 16.09.2016
Abstract: The article is devoted to the problem of comparative studies of languages, namely to the characteristic and typological methods of linguistic research and to the analysis of the methodology.
Key words: Comparative studies, languages, methodology, grammatical opposition.
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