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N.G. Persidskaya



Gymnasia № 9, Kirovsky district, Volgograd

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Language: Russian



Persidskaya N.G. (2016) PROVISION OF CONTINUITY UNDER FORMATION OF RECEPTIVE KINDS OF SPEECH ACTIVITY IN TERMS OF FSES PSE AND BGE IMPLEMENTATION. Current issues of linguistics and didactics: conceptions and perspectives: The Proceedings of  the 6-th International Scientific and Practical Conference, April 30 – May 15, 2016, Volgograd, Russia, pp. 130-136.

Pages: 130-136


Published: 16.09.2016

Abstract: The article focuses the reader’s attention upon the main tasks of modern school and proposes the ways to solve one of the actual problems that of pupils’ non-formation of receptive kinds of speech activity, namely listening and reading. The practical significance of the article is its systematic approach to solving the problem and prioritizing the system of tasks to help pupils acquire receptive kinds of speech activity.


Key words: kinds of speech activity, receptive kinds of speech activity, continuity, stages of work on the text, FSES PSE and BGE.


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The 7-th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Current issues of linguistics and didactics: conceptions and perspectives” ,  May 10-12, 2017 , Volgograd, Russia

International scientific and practical events on linguistics, didactics and humanities

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