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III International Scientific and Practical Conference
“Breakthrough technologies and communications in industry and
urban environment” (BTCI'20)

December 2-3, 2020, Volgograd, VolSU (RSCI, WoS, Scopus)

Important dates
Conference scope

Dear colleagues!

The Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication of Volgograd State University invites you to take part in the III International Scientific and Practical Conference "Breakthrough Technologies and Communications in Industry and Urban Environment" (BTCI'20), which will take place tentatively on December 2-3, 2020, Volgograd, VolSU in full-time and webinar format (the exact dates of the sections will be in early November). The address is Volgograd, pr-t Universitetsky 100.

We invite students and teachers of secondary schools, universities and other educational institutions; representatives of organizations, institutions to participate in the conference.

Important dates 
  1. Dates of the conference - December 2-3, 2020

  2. Registration of applications of participants (full-time and part-time) - until October 1, 2020. (Participants requiring a visa and accommodation must submit an application and inform about full-time participation in advance to issue an invitation)

  3. Submission of papers for publication (RSCI, Scopus, WoS) - until November 1, 2020 (until October 1 - preferential early submission)

  4. Notification of acceptance of papers for publication - within 1-2 months after receiving 

  5. Payment - within 3-7 days after issuing an invoice

  6. Dates of publication: RSCI - 1-2 quarter 2021, Scopus, WoS - 2nd quarter 2021 *

  7. Indexing terms: RSCI – 6 months from the date of publication, Scopus, WoS - from 5 to 24 months from the date of publication
    * In order not to delay the release and indexation, we ask you to carefully draw up materials according to the template and send documents on time.

Publishing Forms

  1. in the RSCI proceedings of the spring scientific session (conference), indexed by the RSCI, according to the results of the review, they are accepted in any language with mandatory metadata in English. Send to:

  2. in the RSCI journal Artium Magister (pedagogy, education, science, on other humanitarian and social topics is consistent with the editorial board) according to the results of the competitive selection and finalization of the publication according to the requirements. Details are available on the website Publication is free on a competitive basis. Send to the address:

  3. in the issue of the international conference journal Materials Science, Engineering, Environment and IT, indexed in the foreign scientific base Scopus, Google Scholar. Materials in English. Send to: (ABOUT THE JOURNAL).

  4. in the issue of the international conference journal on Social and Behavioural Sciences, indexed in Web of Knowledge (Web of Science, CPCI), Google Scholar (papers on humanities and social sciences in case of not matching the scope of Scopus journal (trends 5, 6, 8) may be forwarded to the Social Sciences conference proceedings). Materials are provided in English. Send to: (ABOUT THE JOURNAL).


Any questions on full-time and part-time participation in the conference and, if necessary, query for invitations, certificates can be sent to


Cost **
  1. Participation in the conference and in the contest of scientific reports without publication and tours is free.

  2. Full-time registration fee - 1000 RUB (optional) includes:
    - a participant’s kit with branded office supplies, an event program, a participant’s certificate (1 pc., an additional certificate - 100 RUB (2 EUR);
    - coffee breaks/buffet.

  3. Publication in an international journal (Scopus, WoS) ***
    - when submitting an application and materials before October 1 (early preferential submission) - 200 Euro (about 14,200 RUB)
    - when submitting an application and materials from October 1 to November 1 (standard submission) - 210 Euro (about 14,900 RUB)
    - when submitting an application and materials from November 1 to November 30 (late submission) - 220 Euro (approximately 15,900 RUB)

  4. Publication in the RSCI - 150 RUB/page (3 EUR), shipment - 200-700 RUB (4-15 EUR) depending on the region, according to the tariffs of the Russian Post, the cost of the certificate is 100 RUB (2 EUR), an additional printed copy of the paper collection is 300 RUB (6 EUR). If materials are provided by schoolchildren, students, graduate students, other publication conditions may be proposed without providing a printed collection (see the requirements to the RSCI)

**Extra services, counselling and assistance are available in case the paper needs editing, translation or correction to the requirements. Payment terms are sent on request to the appropriate email.

*** If a sharp change in the euro exchange rate occurs, it is possible (but not necessary) to slightly change the cost of publication, paid in euros or in rubles at the euro exchange rate on the payment date.


Payment needs to be made within 3-7 days after billing. Bank details for payment of full-time registration and publication fee will be sent to the authors of the accepted papers by e-mail along with confirmation of paper acceptance.

Certificates of participation and other extra services are provided and paid separately from the publication fee. For more information about services, the full-time registration fee and full-time presentation of the report at the conference, it is recommended to contact the conference organizing committee at (with the publication of the RSCI) or (with the publication of Scopus, WoS).

To the participants
  • Only original and unpublished materials are accepted. Validation is carried out through several resources. The optimal originality of paper in English for an international journal is 90%. The originality of materials for translation is discussed with the organizing committee after checking for plagiarism through a Russian university plagiarism system. The publication will be refused if the publishing house reveals copyright fraud and attempts to hide plagiarism.

  • All submitted articles for the English-language journal will undergo a thorough double review by authoritative scientists and will be evaluated in terms of relevance, originality, quality of material and clarity of presentation.

  • At the request of the conference participant, the organizing committee can recommend places to stay.

  • Registration fee, travel expenses and accommodation are paid by the forwarding party or participant oneself. The full-time registration fee is paid separately from the publication fee.

  • Participants who need a visa and accommodation must inform about full-time participation and the need for assistance in advance to issue an invitation and send a corresponding query to

Extra activities

  • Full-time participants during the conference can take part in:
    - sightseeing tour around VolSU (by prior request: Museum complexes, Laboratories, Coworking Space, House of Scientific Collaboration, Volunteer Center, Creativity Center)
    - coffee breaks/buffet (included in the price of the organizational fee of the full-time participant);
    - short-term skill enhancement programmes;
    - webinar sessions;
    - report contests.

  • More information about skill enhancement programs, contests and webinars can be found in the relevant sections.

  • At the request of other co-authors (if there are several authors in the article) and accompanying persons, the excursion program, coffee breaks/buffet are reserved and paid separately. Cost and other details are discussed separately at

  • Registration of applications for exhibitions and masterclasses held by our partners, teams of authors and individual authors is open. To open the event, send a free-format request to We are looking forward to new interesting ideas!


Conference programme

The programme of the conference in 2020 will be posted 5 days before the event.

The programmes of all conferences after their holding are periodically laid out in the Conferences / Conference Programmes section



Conference scope and trends

To the participants
Publishing Forms
Conference programme ​
Extra activities

1. Innovative technologies for producing and testing permanent joints in industry

  • Modern technologies and prospects of welding production

  • application of welding equipment in industries

  • quality control of weld joints and certification

5. Digital environment, information systems and urban media culture in the information 

  • electronic tools in education

  • means of automation and virtualization of training, management and control systems

  • automation, robotics, automated transport and equipment

  • mixed / augmented / virtual reality

  • mechanisms of electronic services

  • specificity and algorithm for programming interaction in a virtual environment

  • designing information and security systems

  • support for urban smart technology

  • informational saturation of society

  • use of artificial intelligence, machine learning, modelling and visualization of various processes, remote access to data, processing of Big data arrays

  • computer aspects of interdisciplinary research, computational linguistics

2. Modern technologies for producing and processing materials in industry

  • modern technologies for producing and processing materials

  • metallurgy technologies

  • application of material handling equipment

  • additive AM-technologies

  • designing and improving equipment and production technology

  • advanced materials, nanotechnologies

6. Development of methods to stimulate innovation and investment activity of enterprises

  • fundamentals of innovation and investment activities of enterprises

  • methods of stimulating innovation and investment activities of enterprises

  • innovation and innovatics in production activities

3. Environmental protection, safety and labour protection in enterprises

  • environmentally safe and efficient technologies

  • conservation and rational use of natural resources, processing of technogenic neoplasms

  • modern methods of protection in emergency situations

  • occupational safety and health

  • biotechnology and biohazards

7. Automation, informatization and management at the enterprise

  • automation of production processes and computer technologies

  • general software issues

  • information technologies in management

  • management, certification and marketing of production processes

  • scientific and methodological support in production

  • technology incubators

4. Breakthrough technologies and technology for subsoil development

  • new techniques and technologies for underground development

  • geology and geomechanics

  • Innovative technologies and modern technical means of agroindustrial complex

  • increase in operation efficiency of transport and technological machines

Templates, application
Conference results

During the conference, it is possible to combine existing or the appearance of new sections, depending on their content.



Templates and application forms

1. in the RSCI conference proceedings. Send to 1) an application, 2) an article drawn up according to the requirements

2. in the RSCI journal Artium Magister. Send to 1) an application, 2) an article drawn up according to requirements; 3) a scan of the obligation signed by the Corresponding Author; 4) scan of the agreement; 5) for students and graduate students - a scan of the recommendations signed by the supervisor (signed and certified). Details are available on the journal website

3.  in an international conference journal on Materials Science, Engineering, Environment and IT, indexed by  Scopus. Send to the address of the editorial board  1) an application, 2) an article drawn up strictly according to the template, 3) a scan of the conclusion on the possibility of open publication

4. in an international conference journal on Social and Behavioural Sciences, indexed in Web of Knowledge (Web of Science, CPCI), Google Scholar (for papers on humanities and social sciences in case of not matching the scope of Scopus journal, mostly trends 5, 6, 7). Send to the address of the editorial board 1) an application, 2) a scan of the license agreement (signed by all authors), 3) an article drawn up strictly according to the template.


Conference collections (issues of international journals) indexed by WoS/Scopus are electronic, the announcement of the release of the necessary issue will be published on the conference website.


Conference results

The results of the conference will be published afterwards.
The results of all conferences are posted in the Conferences / Conference Results section

Conference organizer

  • Volgograd State University

Scientific, informational and technical partners

  • University of Zagreb

  • University of Timisoara

  • Tyumen Industrial University

  • Scientific and Educational Institute of Professional International Communication (SEI PIC)

  • Scientific and Publishing Center "Open Knowledge"

  • Scientific journal "Artium Magister"

Program committee


  • Co-chairs of the program committee - Kalinina A. E.,  Doctor of Economics, Professor, rector of Volgograd State University; Shamne N.L., Doctor of Philology, Professor, director of the Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication Volgograd State University;

  • Deputy Chairman - Rebrina L.N., Volgograd State University, Deputy Director for Science and External Relations of the Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication of VolSU;

  • Program Committee Members - Cindori Sonja, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law University of Zagreb, Croatia; Cernicova-Buca Mariana, Associate Professor, Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania; Davitt Lina, PhD, Bangor University Confucius Institute, United Kingdom; Larouk Omar, Associate Professor, University of Lyon, Lyon, France; Wu Quanming, Assistant teacher, specialist in international communication, International Office, China, VolSU, Russia; Zheltukhina M.R., Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Russian Academy of Education, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Professor of the Department of English Philology, Head of the Research Laboratory "Discursive Linguistics", Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University, Professor at the Department of Germanic Studies and Linguodidactics, Moscow City Pedagogical University, Russia; Mityagina V.A., Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the Translation theory and practice department, VolSU, Russia; Ilinova E.Yu., Doctor of Philology, Professor, Department of English Philology, VolSU, Russia; Tsybanyova V.A., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Director of the Center for Philological Education, Volgograd State Academy of Postgraduate Education, Volgograd, Russia.


Organising Committee


  • Chairman of the organizing committee - Malushko E.Yu., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor, deputy director for IT, Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication, Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russia;

  • Deputy Chairman - Eltanskaya E.A., Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Germanic and Romance Philology, Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russia;

  • Members of the organizing committee:

  • Zheltukhina M.R. - Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Russian Academy of Education, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Professor of the Department of English Philology, Head of the Research Laboratory "Discursive Linguistics", Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University, Professor at the Department of Germanic Studies and Linguodidactics, Moscow City Pedagogical University, Russia.

  • Kabanova N.N. - Leading expert, Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia.

  • Maletina O.A. - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Germanic and Romance Philology of Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russia.

  • Politsinskaya E.V. - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, YuPI National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Kemerovo Region, Yurga, Russia.

  • Sytina N.A. - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Germanic and Romance Philology of Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russia.

  • Tsybanyova V.A. - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Director of the Center for Philological Education, Volgograd State Academy of Postgraduate Education, Volgograd, Russia.

  • Lizunkov V.G. - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, YuPI National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Kemerovo Region, Yurga, Russia.

  • Shovgenina E.A. - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Intelsin LLC, Moscow, Russia

  • Naumova A.P. - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Тranslation theory and practice department, Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russia.


Keynote speakers

Organizer, partners
Keynote speakers

Шамне Николай Леонидович доктор филологических наук, профессор, Почетный работник высшего профессионального образования России, Заслуженный работник высшей школы Российской Федерации, директор Института филологии и межкультурной коммуникации, Волгоградский государственный университет, Волгоград, Россия Научные интересы: лексическая семантика, лингвокультурология, лингвопрагматика, социолингвистика языка, речи; дискурсивные практики; стратегия и тактика дискурса; эколингвистика


Желтухина Марина Ростиславовна доктор филологических наук, профессор, действительный член Российской академии естественных наук, Волгоградский государственный социально-педагогический университет, заведующий научно-исследовательской лабораторией «Дискурсивная лингвистика». Научные интересы: социо-, психо-, прагма- и когнитивная лингвистика, политический, деловой, рекламный и медийный дискурс, теории влияния, манипуляции, межкультурная коммуникация, образовательные инновации.


Черникова-Букэ Мариана Кандидат медицинских наук, профессор, факультет коммуникационных исследований, председатель совета по коммуникациям и связям с общественностью, Политехнический Университет Тимишоара, Румыния; Рецензент профильных журналов по коммуникационным исследованиям. Научные интересы: общественная коммуникация, PR-стратегии и их эффективность, коммуникативные аспекты демократии и государственного управления, брендинг и имидж.;

Синдори Соня

Синдори Соня доктор философии, профессор, кафедра финансового права и финансовых наук, Университет Загреба, Хорватия, руководитель проекта Хорватского научного фонда «Правовой и экономический анализ системы борьбы с отмыванием денег и финансированием терроризма», юрист проекта «Новая правовая система Хорватии Научные интересы: финансовое право с акцентом на экологический налог, налог на добавленную стоимость, а также систему борьбы с отмыванием денег, финансированием терроризма



Organizer, Venue:

Volgograd State University

Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication

Department of Germanic and Romance Philology (4-15B)

400062, Volgograd, pr-t Universitetskij 100.

Phone: through the dean's office (8442) 40-55-25 or through the automatic service (8442) 40-55-99 (in tone mode, extension 1600 or 1602 - Department of GRPh) (questions of full-time and part-time participation, certificates, invitations)

e-mail for sending materials: (publication in Scopus, WoS) (publication in RSCI) (publication in  RSCI Artium Magister)



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