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Conference Results

II Международная научно-практическая конференция «Прорывные технологии и коммуникации в производстве и городской среде», 19-23 ноября 2019, г. Волгоград (РИНЦ, Scopus) 
II International Scientific Practical Conference Breakthrough technologies and communications in industry,  19-23 November, 2019 at the institute of Philology and intercultural communication, Volgograd state university, Volgograd, Russian Federation. (In English, Indexed by international database Scopus). The articles are provided in open access.

Info from the institute website, info from the conference website
The English issue is being formed (The site of the journal IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering).

IV Международная научно-практическая конференция  «Антропогенная трансформация геопространства: природа, хозяйство, общество», 01-04 октября 2019 года, г. Волгоград, (РИНЦ, WoS)

IV The International Research to Practice Conference "Anthropogenic transformation of geospace: nature, economy, society" October 01-04, 2019 in Volgograd.

Международная научно-практическая конференция  «Личность и общество в современном геополитическом пространстве», 23-29 мая 2019 года, г. Волгоград, ВолГУ, ​(РИНЦ, Web of Science)

I International Scientific Practical Conference “The Individual and Society in the Modern Geopolitical Environment” (ISMGE'2019) 23-29 May 2019 (2 issues: RSCI E-Library, WoS).

The articles are provided in open access.

Info from the conference website,  Info about publication

The English issue is available at (Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research. Volume 331. ISSN 2352-5398. ISBN 978-94-6252-756-0 (Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific Practical Conference "The Individual and Society in the Modern Geopolitical Environment" (ISMGE 2019))

The Russian Conference Issue is being indexed in RSCI (Материалы Весенней Международной научно-практической сессии: IX международной научно-практической конференции «Современные проблемы лингвистики и дидактики. междисциплинарный подход в гуманитарных и социальных науках», I международной научной конференции  «Личность и общество в современном геополитическом пространстве», г. Волгоград, апрель-май 2019 года. – Волгоград: Изд-во ВолГУ, 2019. – 136 с. ISBN 978-5-9669-1932-0)

The Russian Journal Issue indexed in RSCI and available at (ARTIUM MAGISTER, Том: 19, Номер: 1, Год: 2019, 46 c. ISSN печатной версии   2305-7815. ISSN online версии   2409-2398)

9-я международная научно-практическая конференция «Современные проблемы лингвистики и дидактики: Междисциплинарный подход в гуманитарных и социальных науках» (Web of Science) апрель 2019, г. Волгоград, ВолГУ, ​(РИНЦ, Web of Science)

The 9-th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Current issues of linguistics and didactics: The interdisciplinary approach in humanities and social sciences” (CILDIAH 2019), April 23 - 27, 2019, Volgograd, Russia. Will be published in 2 issues: Russian (RSCI E-Library) and English (WoS/Scopus). The articles are provided in open access.

Info from the conference website,  Info about publication

The English issue is available at (SHS Web of Conferences, Vol. 69, 2019. eISSN: 2261-2424 (The International Scientific and Practical Conference “Current Issues of Linguistics and Didactics: The Interdisciplinary Approach in Humanities and Social Sciences” (CILDIAH-2019), Volgograd, Russia, April 23-28, 2019))

The Russian Conference Issue is being indexed in RSCI (Материалы Весенней Международной научно-практической сессии: IX международной научно-практической конференции «Современные проблемы лингвистики и дидактики. междисциплинарный подход в гуманитарных и социальных науках», I международной научной конференции  «Личность и общество в современном геополитическом пространстве», г. Волгоград, апрель-май 2019 года. – Волгоград: Изд-во ВолГУ, 2019. – 136 с. ISBN 978-5-9669-1932-0)

The Russian Journal Issue indexed in RSCI and available at (ARTIUM MAGISTER, Том: 19, Номер: 1, Год: 2019, 46 c. ISSN печатной версии   2305-7815. ISSN online версии   2409-2398)

I Международная научно-практическая конференция «Прорывные технологии и коммуникации в производстве», 20-21 ноября 2018, г. Волгоград (РИНЦ, Scopus)
I International Scientific Practical Conference Breakthrough technologies and communications in industry,  20-21 November, 2018 at the institute of Philology and intercultural communication, Volgograd state university, Volgograd, Russian Federation. 

(In English, Indexed by international database Scopus). The articles are provided in open access.

Info from the institute website, info from the conference website

The English issue is available at (IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Volume 483. 2019. Accepted papers received: 4 January 2019. Published online: 20 March 2019. doi:10.1088/issn.1757-899X Online ISSN: 1757-899X Print ISSN: 1757-8981)

The lists of articles indexed in Scopus (24 April 2019):

International Conference on the Theory and Practice of Personality Formation in Modern Society (ICTPPFMS-18), held on September, 20-22, 2018, Yurga Institute of Technology of Tomsk Polytechnic University, Yurga, Russia (in English, Indexed by WoS). The articles are provided in open access.

Info from the conference website

The English issue is available at (The site of journal Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research)

The lists of articles indexed in WoS:     list 1 (#1-50)     list 2 (#51)

The 8-th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Current issues of linguistics and didactics: The interdisciplinary approach in humanities and social sciences” (CILDIAH 2018), April 23 - May 15, 2018, Volgograd, Russia. Will be published in 2 issues: Russian (Indexed by RSCI E-Library, Google Scholar) and English (Indexed by international databases WoS/Scopus). The articles are provided in open access.

Info from the conference website,  Info about the publication

The English issue is available at  (The site of SHS Web of Conferences, Volume 50 (2018))

The 7-th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Current issues of linguistics and didactics: The interdisciplinary approach in humanities” (CILDIAH 2017), May 10-12, 2017, Volgograd, Russia. Published in 2 issues: Russian (Indexed by RSCI E-Library, Google Scholar) and English (Indexed by international databases). The articles are provided in open access.

Info from the conference website

The English abstracts of Russian issue will be available here.

The issue in Russian will available at

The English issue is available at (The site of journal Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research)

The lists of articles indexed in WoS:        list 1 (#1-50)     list 2 (#51-63)

Антропогенная трансформация геопространства: история и современность: материалы IV Всерос. науч.-практ. конф., г. Волгоград, 15-19 мая 2017г. – Волгоград : Изд-во ВолГУ, 2017. – 310 с. ISBN 978-5-9669-1675-6 (RSCI E-Library

The Third Lower Volga Readings, May 01-31, 2016, Volgograd, Russia. Indexed by RSCI E-Library. The information in Russian is available at

The 6-th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Current issues of linguistics and didactics: conceptions and perspectives” (CILD-2016), April 30 – May 15, 2016, Volgograd, Russia. Indexed by RSCI E-Library, Google Scholar. The articles are provided in open access.

Archive of the issue is available at

The annotated issue in English is available here.

The full issue in Russian is available at

Антропогенная трансформация геопространства: история и современность: материалы III Всерос. науч.-практ. конф., г. Волгоград, 17–20 мая 2016г. – Волгоград : Изд-во ВолГУ, 2016. – 504 с. ISBN 978-5-9669-1549-0 (RSCI E-Library

The 5-th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Current issues of linguistics and didactics: conceptions and perspectives” (CILD-2015), April 30, 2015, Volgograd, Russia. Indexed by RSCI E-Library, is under indexing by Google Scholar, EndNote, Researcher ID.

The Proceedings of the 5-th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Current issues of linguistics and linguodidactics: conceptions and perspectives” were published in June 2015 and indexed by RSCI E-Library. The full issue in Russian is available at

Антропогенная трансформация геопространства: история и современность: материалы II Всерос. науч.-практ. конф., г. Волгоград, 28–29 апр. 2015 г. – Волгоград : Изд-во ВолГУ, 2015. – 598 с. ISBN 978-5-9669-1408-0 (RSCI E-Library

The Second Lower Volga Readings “Public Spaces and the City in the Age of New Media”, May 29-30, 2014, Volgograd, Russia. Indexed by RSCI E-Library. The articles are provided in open access.

The full issue in English is available here.

The metadata of the issue in Russian is available at

The info of the conference in Russian

The 4-th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Current issues of linguistics and didactics: conceptions and perspectives” (CILD-2014), April 30, 2014, Volgograd, Russia

The Proceedings of the 4-th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Current issues of linguistics and linguodidactics: conceptions and perspectives” were published in June 2014 and indexed by RSCI E-Library. The full issue in Russian is available at

Антропогенная трансформация геопространства: история и современность: материалы I Всерос. науч.-практ. конф., г. Волгоград, 28–29 апр. 2014 г. – Волгоград : Изд-во ВолГУ, 2014. – 504 с. ISBN 978-5-9669-1302-1 (RSCI E-Library

The Proceedings of the 3-th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Current issues of linguistics and linguodidactics: conceptions and perspectives” (April 25, 2013) are selectively indexed by RSCI E-Library

The First Lower Volga Readings “Cultural space of Russian regions”, May 14-15, 2012, Volgograd, Russia. Indexed by RSCI E-Library.

The info of the conference in Russian is here.

The Proceedings of the 2-th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Current issues of linguistics and linguodidactics: conceptions and perspectives” (April 16, 2012) are selectively indexed by RSCI E-Library

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