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Results of the autumn creative contests 2020

Congratulations to the winners of our annual essay and creative work contests 2020. It is very pleasant to receive powerful works with interesting development, to see our world's participants' own view. We wish you good luck and further improvement. We hope that next year we will be able to meet with you within the walls of our beloved university at a solemn event!

Regional essay contest "Learning languages - I get to know the globalized world" (Russian, English, French, German, Chinese, Japanese) among students of professional educational institutions, students of general educational institutions and institutions of correctional and distance learning within the framework of the "Accessible Environment" project


5-6 grades

1st place

Alikova Varvara, Grade 6, MSEI Secondary School No. 3, Surovikino

Ivanov Vladislav, grade 6, Gymnasium number 5

3rd place

Mirgorodova Daria, grade 6, Gymnasium number 5

7-8 grades

1st place

Gorbovtsova Anastasia, grade 8B, Gymnasium № 5

Shishkina Ekaterina Sergeevn, 8 "D" grade , MEI Lyceum №9

2nd place

Khabarova Alexandra Alekseevna, 7 "E" grade , MEI Lyceum №9

Peresypkin Leonid, grade 8B, Gymnasium № 5

3rd place

Kuramshina Amina, grade 8B, Gymnasium № 5

Kovalevskaya Alina Sergeevna, 7 "E" grade , MEI Lyceum №9

9-11 grades

1st place

Malkova Alina, 11 G grade, MEI Lyceum №9

Medvedev Matvey Nikolaevich, 9 "E" grade , MEI Lyceum №9

Samoylenko Anastasia, 10 D grade, MEI Lyceum №9

Tarasova Daria, 11c grade, MEI Gymnasium 5

Tyukh Alena, 10th grade, MEI Lyceum №9

2nd place

Tatlova Alina, 10 A grade , MSEI secondary school No. 2, Surovikino

Gureev Ivan Alexandrovich, 9 "B" grade , MEI Lyceum №9

Gerasimov Dmitry, 9 "A" grade , school 33

Studenikin Nikolay, 10th grade, MEI Lyceum №9

3rd place

Osokina Victoria, 9 "A" grade , secondary school 33

Sakharova Elizaveta Mikhailovna, 9 "E" grade , MEI Lyceum No. 9

Belinsky Svyatoslav, 11 B grade, MEI Lyceum №9

Elizaveta Nosova, grade 10 A, MSEI Secondary School No. 2, Surovikino

Belinskaya Elizaveta, 11 B grade, MEI Lyceum №9

Vershinina Arina, Grade 10G, MEI Lyceum №9


5-8 grades

1st place

Goler Victoria, 6th grade, MEI Lyceum №9

Strolis Alina, grade 7, Lyceum №9

9-11 grades

1st place

Eldyaeva Irina, 10D grade, MEI Lyceum №9

2nd place

Irkhina Valeria, Grade 9 B, MSEI Secondary School No. 2, Surovikino

III international open creative contest in foreign and Russian languages "City of Peace" (Russian, English, French, German, Chinese, Japanese) among students of professional educational institutions, students of general educational institutions and institutions of correctional and distance learning within the framework of the "Accessible Environment" project


1st place

Akifieva Varvara, grade 8, Gymnasium number 3

Gribova Ariadna, grade 4b, Lyceum №9

Ryabov Andrey, 1 "K" grade , Lyceum №9

2nd place

Dedusenko Alexandra, 10 "D" grade , Lyceum №9

3rd place

Igitkhanyan Eleonora, 11c grade , Lyceum №9

Presentations and Videos

1st place

Ivanov Vladislav, grade 6, Gymnasium number 5

Kamynina Alisa, grade 9, MOU Lyceum №9

Gulinova Daria Dmitrievna, grade 11, Gymnasium № 3

Moskalev Ivan Yurievich, 2nd year undergraduate of the Institute of Foreign Languages, Volgograd State Social and Pedagogical University, scientific adviser. Zheltukhina M.R. The work "Awakening emotions and fostering feelings of citizenship and peaceful interaction through immersion in the Austrian and Russian artistic discourse"

All participants and teachers will receive electronic certificates and diplomas of the participants. The winners will also receive diplomas.

Yours faithfully,

organizing committee of the Competition



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